The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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Assembly Source File
605 lines
; LIBASM.ASM -- Assembly Language DOS Interface Routines
; Turbo C/ANSI Version, assumes Small model (64K code, separate 64K data)
; Written April 1991 by Craig A. Finseth
; -------------------- Constants and Macros --------------------
TRUE equ 255
FALSE equ 0
NUL equ 0
BEL equ 7
CR equ 13
LF equ 10
SPACE equ 32
; C function call stack layout -- SI, DI, BP, and SP must be preserved
old_bp equ 0
ret_addr equ 2
arg1 equ 4
arg2 equ 6
arg3 equ 8
arg4 equ 10
arg5 equ 12
arg6 equ 14
arg7 equ 16
arg8 equ 18
; "safe" stack layout -- BP is not saved
sret_addr equ 0
sarg1 equ 2
sarg2 equ 4
sarg3 equ 6
sarg4 equ 8
sarg5 equ 10
sarg6 equ 12
sarg7 equ 14
sarg8 equ 16
clear macro x
xor x,x
zero macro x
xor x,x
testz macro x
or x,x
; -------------------- Data Segment --------------------
_DATA segment word public 'DATA' ; initialized data
extrn _t_attrib : byte ; video attribute to use
iscolor db FALSE
wastext db TRUE
_DATA ends
_BSS segment word public 'BSS' ; uninitialized data
oldmode db ?
cursor_def dw ?
_BSS ends
assume ds:DGROUP
; -------------------- Code Segment --------------------
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT
public _BlockAlloc, _BlockFree, _BlockGet, _BlockPut
public _c_service
public _JFiniA, _JInitA, _JGetKeyA, _JIsKeyA, _JLightOff, _JLightOn,
public _JPushKeyA
public _lseeka, _PSystem
public _VidInit, _VidFini, _VidBell, _VidChar, _VidClear, _VidCursor
public _VidCurOff, _VidCurOn
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Allocate a block of memory and return the starting paragraph number
; or zero.
; unsigned
; BlockAlloc(unsigned para)
; C Callable
_BlockAlloc proc near
mov BX,SP
mov BX,[BX] + sarg1
mov AH,48H
int 21H
jc alloc_no
alloc_no: zero AX
_BlockAlloc endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Free a block of memory.
; void
; BlockFree(unsigned para)
; C Callable
_BlockFree proc near
mov BX,SP
mov BX,[BX] + sarg1
push ES
mov ES,BX
mov AH,49H
int 21H
pop ES
_BlockFree endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Get a block of data from high memory.
; void
; BlockGet(char *to, char huge *from, int len)
; C Callable
; do {
; *to++ = *from++;
; } while (--len > 0);
_BlockGet proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DI
push SI
push DS
push ES
mov DI,[BP] + arg1 ; to
mov AX,DS ; & segment
mov ES,AX
mov SI,[BP] + arg2 ; from
mov AX,[BP] + arg3 ; & segment
mov DS,AX
mov CX,[BP] + arg4 ; CX is len
;mloop: mov AL,DS:[SI] ; *from++
; inc SI
; mov ES:[DI],AL ; *to++ =
; inc DI
; loop mloop ; while --len>0
rep movsb
pop ES
pop DS
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
_BlockGet endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Put a block of data into high memory.
; void
; BlockPut(char huge *to, char *from, int len)
; C Callable
; do {
; *to++ = *from++;
; } while (--len > 0);
_BlockPut proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DI
push SI
push ES
mov DI,[BP] + arg1 ; to
mov AX,[BP] + arg2 ; & segment
mov ES,AX
mov SI,[BP] + arg3 ; from
mov CX,[BP] + arg4 ; CX is len
;mloop: mov AL,DS:[SI] ; *from++
; inc SI
; mov ES:[DI],AL ; *to++ =
; inc DI
; loop mloop ; while --len>0
rep movsb
pop ES
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
_BlockPut endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Link to Jaguar special services.
_c_service proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
xchg DI,[BP+4]
pop BP
int 60H
_c_service endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Terminate any special HP95LX processing.
; void
; JFiniA(void)
; C Callable
_JFiniA proc near
mov AH,4AH ; turn on serial port power
mov AL,1
int 15H
_JFiniA endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialize any special HP95LX processing.
; void
; JInitA(void)
; C Callable
_JInitA proc near
mov AH,4AH ; turn off serial port power
zero AL
int 15H
_JInitA endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Return the next key. HP95LX specific.
; int
; JGetKeyA(void)
; C Callable
_JGetKeyA proc near
mov AH,10H
int 16H
_JGetKeyA endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Return non-zero if a key is available or zero if not. HP95LX specific.
; int
; JIsKeyA(void)
; C Callable
_JIsKeyA proc near
mov AH,11H
int 16H
jz jik_none
mov AX,1
jik_none: zero AX
_JIsKeyA endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Turn off the light sleep mode when checking the key press status.
; HP95LX specific.
; void
; JLightOff(void)
; C Callable
_JLightOff proc near
mov AX,4E00H
int 15H
_JLightOff endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Turn on the light sleep mode when checking the key press status.
; HP95LX specific.
; void
; JLightOn(void)
; C Callable
_JLightOn proc near
mov AX,4E01H
int 15H
_JLightOn endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Push the specified key into the input buffer. HP95LX specific.
; void
; JPushKeyA(int key)
; C Callable
_JPushKeyA proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov CX,[BP] + arg1
mov AH,05H
int 16H
pop BP
_JPushKeyA endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; long
; lseeka(int fd, long dist, int mode)
; C callable
_lseeka proc near
mov BX,SP
mov DX,[BX] + sarg2
mov CX,[BX] + sarg3
mov AX,[BX] + sarg4
mov AH,42H
mov BX,[BX] + sarg1
int 21H
jnc lseek_a
mov DX,-1
neg AX
lseek_a: ret
_lseeka endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; int
; PSystem(int AH, ...) /* int DX, int CX, int BX, int AL, int SI, int DI */
; C callable
; Note: if the carry flag is set, the return code is negated
_PSystem proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DI
push SI
mov AX,[BP] + arg5 ; AL
mov BX,[BP] + arg1 ; AH
mov AH,BL
mov DX,[BP] + arg2
mov CX,[BP] + arg3
mov BX,[BP] + arg4
mov SI,[BP] + arg6
mov DI,[BP] + arg7
int 21H
jnc psyst_ok
neg AX
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
psyst_ok: and AX,7FFFH
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
_PSystem endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialize the screen to 80x25 text mode. Used (needed) for direct
; memory output only.
; int
; VidInit(void)
; C callable
_VidInit proc near
int 11H ; equipment check
and AL,30H
cmp AL,30H
jz vidi_mret ; monochome display
mov iscolor,TRUE
mov AH,0FH ; get current video mode
int 10H
cmp AL,2 ; 80x25 BW
jz vidi_cret
cmp AL,3 ; 80x25 color
jz vidi_cret
mov oldmode,AL ; save old mode
mov wastext,FALSE
mov AX,0002H ; set to mode 2, 80x25 BW
int 10H
mov CX,0007H
mov cursor_def,CX
mov AX,0B800H ; color base
mov CX,000CH
mov cursor_def,CX
mov AX,0B000H ; monochrome base
_VidInit endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Restore the screen. Used (needed) for direct memory output only.
; void
; VidFini(void)
; C callable
_VidFini proc near
test iscolor,0FFH
jz vidf_ret
test wastext,0FFH
jnz vidf_ret
mov AH,0 ; put old mode back
mov AL,oldmode
int 10H
vidf_ret: ret
_VidFini endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Ring the bell. Usable for both BIOS and direct memory output.
; void
; VidBell(void)
; C callable
_VidBell proc near
mov AL,BEL
zero BL
mov AH,14 ; write TTY
int 10H
_VidBell endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Write the specified character to the current cursor location.
; Usable for BIOS output only.
; void
; VidChar(char char)
; C callable
_VidChar proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AL,[BP] + arg1
zero BH ; page
mov BL,_t_attrib
mov CX,1 ; repeat count
mov AH,9 ; write char and attribute
int 10H
pop BP
_VidChar endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Clear the next COUNT characters. Usable for BIOS output only.
; void
; VidClear(int count)
; C callable
_VidClear proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
zero BH ; page
mov BL,_t_attrib
mov CX,[BP] + arg1 ; repeat count: # of char to clear
test CX,0FFFFH
jz vidc_ret
mov AH,9 ; write char and attribute
int 10H
pop BP
_VidClear endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Set the cursor to the specified row/column. Usable for both BIOS
; and direct memory output.
; void
; VidCursor(int row, int col)
; C callable
_VidCursor proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov CL,[BP] + arg1
mov DL,[BP] + arg2 ; col
mov DH,CL ; row
zero BH ; page
mov AH,2 ; set cursor position
int 10H
pop BP
_VidCursor endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Tur the cursor off.
; void
; VidCurOff(void)
; C callable
_VidCurOff proc near
mov AH,1 ; set cursor size
mov CX,0FF00H
int 10H
_VidCurOff endp
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Set the cursor to a block cursor.
; void
; VidCurOn(void)
; C callable
_VidCurOn proc near
mov AH,1 ; set cursor size
mov CX,cursor_def
int 10H
_VidCurOn endp
_TEXT ends
; end of LIBASM.ASM -- Assembly Language DOS Interface Routines